Category: Other

User agent spoofing in email notification 53

User agent spoofing in email notification

[ads] User agent spoofing in email notification – Bug Bounty POC user agent Spoofing Vulnerability Hello Bug Bounty Poc Viewers, This is Behroz and today i will share one of my old finding on itbit that how...


Remote Code Execution in private website

[ads] Remote Code Execution in private website – Bug Bounty POC Hello Bug Bounty POC viwers ,this is Hisham Mir and today i will be sharing how last month i found Remote Code Execution in private website...

Open redirection in 99design 3

Open redirection in 99design

[ads]   Open redirection in 99design – Bug Bounty POC This post is published by Bug Bounty POC on the request of Danyal Zafar as a guest writer.Note that the post is written by...


Business Logic Flaw in Facebook

[ads] Business Logic Flaw in Facebook – Bug Bounty POC Hello Bug Bounty POC viewers this is Behroz and Today, I am discussing about a security bug report I reported to Facebook few months...

IDOR vulnerability in hackerone 5

IDOR vulnerability in Hackerone

[ads] Hello Viewers,I’m Bharat Sewani and today i will share how i found IDOR vulnerability in hackerone while i were testing the hackerone web application i found out that they are using ID to change...